Croissants and Coffee – An unusual ‘About Me’

Cosied up in a little Parisienne cafe

Bonjour et bienvenue mes amis.

Welcome to what exactly I can’t be sure, but welcome all the same.

This is a safe-haven and a place to call my own. My Parisienne Affair is (unfortunately) not a red hot scandal or a gossip feed where you can get your fill of drama before slinking back off into the office and telling Barbara you love her sweater (which looks cheap and is pulling threads already).

My Parisienne Affair is a beautiful place where art meets life and life meets me and well…perhaps spontaneously combusts. Who knows.

Here, you will read about fashion from an amateur fashion lover. You will read about food from a bad cook and a croissant binge eater. You will read about coffee from an absolute addict that actually makes a mean cup herself (hey, it’s the important things in life I like to excel at, don’t judge me).

But specifically, and obsessively, you will read about my absolute love affair with the City of Love and Light.

Join me on my convoluted journey through self-indulgence, failure, success, and life in general to reach the ultimate destination – one that I’m not sure of now, but am sure I’ll find along the way.

Votre amie dévouée,

La femme de faim x